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Our First Grants-2016


Although the fund had only been in existence a short time, the first 2 grants were funded for the 2016 -17 school year totaling $400. A Butterfly Habitat at the elementary and Calculators at the middle school were the first awarded. Stephanie Payne, a second-grade teacher continues to utilize this grant with her class each year.  Crystal Schneberger, a middle school math teacher, has working calculators that will last for several years.



2017-18 Grants

Things got rolling in this school year as 8 grants were funded for over $1700. A synopsis of those grants is listed here.


High School/Middle School Recipients:

Shannon Turney/Lynn Bittle           6-8 grade science/Physical Science       Electronic Balances


JoLisa Knauss                                    MS/HS Counselor                                    Equity for All Students

                                                                                                                                 30 Calculators


Tava Batt                                            6th Grade English Language Arts        Interactive Student Notebooks


Adam Gutierrez                               Band                                                           Poles for Color Guard             


Elementary School Recipients


Tonia Lodes                                      4th English Language Arts                 Novel Unit for 4th grade ELA


Mandie Kuykendall                         3rd Grade                                              Document Camera


Melissa Nightingale                        4/5th Science                                          Visualizing Science     


Laura Graham                                  Speech/Language                                 Articulation Storybooks



Six teacher grants were awarded by the Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund at the elementary school level. Recipients were Peggy Pettit and Mandie Kuykendall (also Melissa Nightingale, not pictured), $495 for Generation Genius Science Curriculum; Carrie Marshall, $185 for Document Camera; Stephanie Payne $187.44 for Document Camera; Keisha Nix, $100 for Document Camera for Math; Krystal Peck, $99.99 for Technology Makes Learning Fun.  At the presentation were (back from left) Superintendent Eric Smith, Carnegie Elementary Principal Lori Graham, endowment board members, Lynn Ann Dietrich, $79.90 grant recipient Laura Graham for Chipper Chat for Speech & Language, Christi Harrison, and Micheal Longhat. Grant total at the elementary was $1,147.33.


Three teacher grants were awarded by the Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund at the middle school level. Recipients were Tracie Smith (front from left) who received $573.30 Lincoln’s Last Days materials, Crystal Schneberger for $200 for All Things Middle School Math and Kori Turney for Science Based DVD on dangers of vaping, alcohol and more and a Non-fiction Magazine totaling $286.96. At the presentation were (back from left) Superintendent Eric Smith, endowment board members Christi Harrison, Lynn Ann Dietrich, Micheal Longhat and middle school principal Randy Turney. Grant total for the middle school was $1,060.26.


Aprons for Art                                                6th-12th grade                                    Jill McGlothlin

Measurement tools for STEM                       7-12th grade                                       Chris Buster                        


Lincoln’s Last Days                                        8th-grade History                              Tracie Smith

All Things Middle School Math                  6,7,8th grade Math                             Crystal Schneberger

Consider the Following                                 6,7,8th grade Science                         Kori Turney

Document Cameras (3)                                  Elementary Teachers                         Stephanie Payne 

                                                                                                                                        Carrie Marshall

                                                                                                                                        Keisha Nix

Generation Genius Science Curriculum       3,4,5th grades                                   Mandie Kuykendall

                                                                                                                                        Melissa Nightingale

                                                                                                                                        Peggy Pettit   

Technology Makes Learning Fun                 Pre-Kindergarten                              Krystal Peck

Chipper Chat for Speech & Language         Speech Therapy                                Laura Graham       


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